4 min readSep 23, 2022


Morbius (2022)


Now that it's available on VOD and DVD, I rewatched Morbius. Based on the Marvel Comics villain, it's another attempt to create Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU?) continuing what they started with the Venom films. As a lifelong Spider-Man fan, I'm curious how they plan on doing a film about a Spider-Man character without him. I didn't like the Venom films so I didn't have high expectations. This is my SPOILER-FREE REVIEW….for now. Is this a film you can sink your teeth into or does it just suck?

Directed by Daniel Espinosa, I do like the more serious tone. The comedy in the Venom films didn't sit well with me. However, it lacks any sense of style except a distracting blue hue. The low production value makes it look and feel like a 90s comic book movie. The Bad CGI is distracting. The nonsensically edited action makes it hard to distinguish what's happening. Odd choices are made like how sometimes the action scenes are sped up or slowed down at random times. The best example is the subway fight early on.

Written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless, the plot felt so rushed, incomplete, and inconsistent with little to no character development. For example, in one scene Morbius wins the Nobel Prize because his work in medicine has cured more people than penicillin. In the next scene, there's a sentence or two about how he didn't accept the award. Then it's not mentioned again. Seeing him turn down the award because of his guilt for not curing himself could have been a dramatic scene to set the stage for later. Also, it's discussed how dangerous and illegal the bat experiment is to the point where needs to be done on international waters. Shortly after, they're in a boat in a lab conducting said experiment with no explanation. It's a muddled confusing jumble of events randomly hopping from scene to scene.

Jared Leto is Michael Morbius. He's good in the role. It's obvious he's trying his best to perform well. Actors can only do so much with the material they have to work with. Matt Smith is his surrogate brother Milo. They share a rare blood disease. He, too, gives his all playing a very sinister villain. As a Doctor Who fan, it's fun to see him be the bad guy again after Last Night In Soho. I don't like how they look as Vampires. Wouldn't it be better if they used practical effects makeup like the Buffy TV show?

Why is Tyrese Gibson in this? There are hints he has a past with Morbius but it gets brushed off like most of what could have been key plot points to inspire character motivation. It goes nowhere and feels unnecessary.

Overall, this movie just sucks. After being delayed 2 years this is what we get? Considering they had time given to fix plot holes and bad CGI Sony delivered a very disappointing picture. It's disrespectful to the source material. It didn't aggravate me like Batman 2022 but I wouldn't recommend this when much better comic book films exist. I cover what makes me mad more in-depth in the SPOILER SECTION BELOW. And remember, I couldn't be Morbius upset about one of the worst films so far this year.

Grade: Extra Small Popcorn





I can't help but feel like it was falsely advertised. The previews show a whole different film than what was released. They removed all the Spider-Man references and changed countless other things.

On top of that, they severely censored all the violence like the scene where Morbius kills the soldiers on the ship. It takes away from the fear factor. Especially since the sound effects for blood spurting are present but no gore is seen because they wanted a PG-13 rating. If they were able to make an R-rated film like Blade, it would have been better. I'm not saying PG-13 films can't be scary but it's clear the filmmakers held back. It's frustrating because it feels watered down.

It also breaks its own rules several times. Does Morbius have control over the bats? Why doesn't Milo? Those are two inconsistencies among many within the writing. Also, what happened to the 3rd vile? Morbius takes his. Two more are shown on the table. If Milo took one then the other is unaccounted for. Did the writers forget about it?

In the end, when Morbius feeds off Adria Arjona ad Dr. Martine Bancroft it feels contrived because the forced love story between them could have been removed completely to make more time for the friendship of Morbius and Milo. There's no natural development or chemistry so what could have been the film's heart doesn't feel earned.

It ends abruptly with no real resolution too. It's as if they couldn't decide how to end things. I can't help but wonder what was the point of all this? Worse yet is how the end credits scene is contradictory to the film as if they can't decide who they want Morbius to be. He's the hero of this film but now he wants to go evil? How does he know Spider-Man? Why is Vulture so nonchalant about travelling through the multiverse? Did anyone involved in making this film think of these questions?

Grade: Extra Small Popcorn




Hello world! I'm MR FLIXTER!!! And I just love motion pictures! I'm a film critic for Horror Buzz but I love ALL films genres. That's why I'm here!